The app for unlimited motorcycle communication: BT Talk

When traveling by motorcycle with friends, one of the most important things is to always be able to communicate with the group, to avoid getting lost, exchange advice, and make coordinated decisions.
For effective and simple communication while riding, there are already intercoms that ensure constant connection from bike to bike or between driver and passenger.
However, even intercoms have some limitations: the first being distance.
Each model has different features, but in general, for bike-to-bike or group communications, the range is guaranteed from a minimum of 500 meters up to 1.6 - 2 km.
So if a biker finds themselves at a greater distance, they will not be able to communicate with the rest of the group. The same applies to the number of people: each intercom also has a maximum number of people that can join the communication, for example, Midland R1 Mesh has a limit of 6 people in communication, while BTX2 Pro has a limit of 8 people.
If your group is larger and everyone needs to be able to join the communication, a different solution from the classic intercom might be necessary.
That’s why at Midland we developed a solution that breaks down all communication barriers: the BT Talk app.

BT Talk, How Does It Work?
The app can be downloaded on Android and iOS smartphones and works using an internet connection (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi).
It essentially simulates the communication of a walkie-talkie radio: just press the PTT button to activate communication with your biker friends.
Activation is very simple: just download it (it’s free), register with your email and phone number, add friends from your contacts, and start creating your personalized group.
It works even if you don't have an intercom, but if you do have one, you can pair it via Bluetooth. One important thing to know is that the BT Talk app is compatible with all brands of intercoms.
Besides breaking all communication barriers and limits, the app is very useful when traveling due to the geolocation function: has a friend gotten lost? Or have you gotten lost and need to find the other bikers? No problem, just open the app and view the geolocation of the other members of the personalized group to reach them.

Communicate Safely
At this point, you might be wondering: yes, but how do I use the app safely while riding?
You just need to follow 2 steps:
pair it with your intercom
install the Midland BTT Button on your bike.
The BTT Button is a Bluetooth button that you can easily install on the handlebar of your bike; it has an almost infinite battery life (2 years of autonomy). It attaches with a silicone band, so it’s very easy to attach and detach, and to activate communication you just press the button without ever taking your hands off the handlebar.
It’s water-resistant and is an essential accessory to avoid distractions while riding.
So with the BTT Button, you activate communications while listening and transmitting via the intercom.

Why Use BT Talk and Not Just the Intercom?
Even though intercoms, especially the more technologically advanced models, already allow you to cover most communications on the move, as we mentioned, they also have some limitations, specifically 2:
they have a limit on the number of people who can communicate
they have a geographical limit they cannot exceed in terms of distance.
The BT Talk app serves as a tool to strengthen the usefulness of intercoms by overcoming these 2 barriers, ensuring communication without limits on distance and the number of users.
Additionally, the app has other features, primarily map-based geolocation to always identify the position of group members, communication priority for the administrator which can be useful, for example, in a driving school, and the creation of multiple personalized groups.
Moreover, the app is available in 7 languages and is compatible with all brands of intercoms: if each member of your group has a different brand of intercom, there are no problems.
One important thing to know is that if you have a Midland intercom, you cannot use BT Talk to configure the intercom, for that, you need the Midland Connect app.
And if you encounter any problems or difficulties using the app?
Our customer service is always available in the support section of our website or via email.
All that’s left is to prepare for your next group trip: have a safe ride!