Christmas with Midland: ultimate guide to Christmas gifts

There are two types of people: those who plan Christmas gifts well in advance and those to whom Christmas just happens.
Whether you're into reindeer sweaters and 'Rocking around the Christmas tree,' or wishing for December 25th to hurry by because 'spring is already on its way,' this year Midland has your back with a super guide to perfect Christmas gifts for:
biking enthusiasts
outdoor lovers
tech enthusiasts in general.
The good news? It's the perfect time for Christmas shopping, offering products that last a lifetime. If you're familiar with Midland, you know our products are designed for longevity. Our customer service helps repair or replace damaged parts, avoiding the 'use and throw' pattern that characterizes many modern tech products.
We might say 'Midland is forever,' if only we didn't steal the claim from some other brand, but in essence, it's true!
Moving on, here's our ultimate guide to Christmas gifts, crafted to cater to diverse interests and featuring advantageous offers.
Christmas Gifts for Outdoor Enthusiasts

For outdoor enthusiasts, the choice of Christmas gifts seems endless, but with these two Midland products, we're sure you'll hit the mark.
Walkie-talkies are crucial for those spending time in nature, on mountain trails, or in remote areas. They serve multiple purposes:
keeping in touch with the group even without cellular reception;
ensuring greater safety;
adding fun by facilitating communication among friends and adventure companions.
Walkie-talkies are perfect for families, groups of friends, or individuals engaged in sports in isolated areas.
Midland offers a wide range of Walkie Talkie models suitable for various needs: from professional-grade ones, suitable for outdoor work, to entry-level options like the Midland XT5.
The XT5 is compact, and colorful, and enables communication within a 4 km range. It's user-friendly, making it suitable for younger users. On Friday, December 15, 2023, there will be a flash sale of the XT5 model - a pack of 4 for €39 (instead of €62).
Another ideal model for parent-child communication is the XT10 Pro, born from a survey within our social community and available in 3 vibrant colors: green, orange, and fuchsia.
The XT10 is moisture and dew-resistant, shockproof, and allows communication within a 4 km range.
With its ergonomic design and easy-to-use interface, it guarantees enjoyable and safe family outings. The XT10 Pro is available on our website, in a pack of 3 radios!
Those who enjoy spending time outdoors often love capturing moments to share with friends on social media.
That's why we've created an easy-to-install and use 360° action cam: simply plug it into your smartphone with the USB on-the-go port, download the Ez Pano app, and capture the world in 360°!
The H360 Smart action cam is on offer, and on Thursday, December 14, you can receive it as a gift with orders over 80 euros.
Christmas Gifts for Motorcyclists

If you have a friend who's a motorcyclist, chances are they already have all the gear they need for their rides. What they might not have is an intercom system.
A motorcycle intercom is a useful and enjoyable communication tool, allowing rider-passenger communication and facilitating communication among riders in a group.
Moreover, it enables making phone calls, listening to the radio, and using smartphone navigation mode safely.
Until recently, intercoms were considered complex tools to install and use. Our mission at Midland is to make technology more accessible.
That's why our intercoms are suitable for everyone, even those not tech-savvy.
Choosing the right intercom depends on desired functions and usage. For example: Is communication needed only between rider and passenger or among different motorcycles? How many motorcycles and at what distance?
One of Midland's most popular intercoms is the BTGO Uni, allowing rider-passenger communication, receiving calls, listening to music, and utilizing smartphone navigation. It's a practically invisible solution, fitting every helmet, not only useful for long motorcycle trips but also for shorter urban rides.
On Saturday, December 16, there will be a flash sale of the BTGO Uni at €89 (instead of €119).
Christmas Gifts for Campers and Truck Drivers

Radio communication still holds its charm. That's why more and more campers, alongside truck drivers, opt to install a CB radio in their vehicles.
CB radios allow communication between travelers and facilitate reporting unforeseen incidents or breakdowns even when a cellular network isn't available.
For truck drivers, CB use is vital, but it's gaining interest among campers too. Who better than Midland, creator of the iconic 'baracchino,' to recommend the best CB for your needs?
For a versatile Christmas gift, we suggest the M30, a multifunctional CB enabling simultaneous monitoring of two channels. Key features of the M30 include:
automatic start;
a color display;
8 customizable memory channels;
emergency channels and a priority channel.
On Monday, December 18, there will be a flash sale of the CB M30 at €79 (instead of €169).
Christmas Gifts for Tech Enthusiasts
Finally, if you're seeking the perfect gift for your tech-savvy friend, Midland has an array of options: from CB radios and motorcyclist accessories to walkie-talkies, video cameras, emergency kits, LED spotlights, and gadgets!
Whatever your purchase, mark these 3 dates for offers and discounts:
Wednesday, December 13: 15% off on any order on our site;
Sunday, December 17: Free water bottle for orders over €30;
Tuesday, December 19: Mystery promo - use the coupon for a surprise offer!
Merry Christmas from Midland!