CB radio: frequencies dedicated to specific activities

10 November 2022

Did you know that within many of our CB radios there are channels reserved for specific work activities? 

Generally, CB radio 40 channels can be used by anyone, in fact, these devices operate on free-use channels for which you do not need to pay or declare anything, but if you carry out certain activities you are entitled to use specific frequencies.

Let's find out together which are the work activities that allow the use of special frequencies.

List of specific uses

Here are the jobs that are entitled to use special frequencies according to the Communications Code and the national frequency distribution plan:

  • Equipment to aid traffic and rail transport, road safety and rescue workers, traffic surveillance, cable transport, forest control, discipline of hunting and fishing and night security. The frequencies dedicated to this use are: 26,875 and 26,885 which correspond to channels26 and 27 of Midland radios.

  • Equipment to aid industrial, commercial, craft and agricultural enterprises, including entertainment or broadcasting. The frequencies dedicated to this use are: 26,895 and 26,905 which correspond to channels28 and 29 of Midland radios.

  • Equipment for connections concerning the safety of human life at sea, or in any case of the emergency, between small boats and stations located at the headquarters of nautical organizations as well as for service connections between different points on the same ship. The frequencies dedicated to this use are: 26,915, 26,925 and 26,935 which correspond to channels30, 31 and 32 of Midland radios.

  • Equipment to aid sports and competitive activities. The frequencies dedicated to this use are: 26,945 and 26,955, which correspond to channels33 and 34 of Midland radio stations.

Midland CBs that operate on specific frequencies

If you carry out one of the activities seen, by buying one of the following Midland devices, you can use the dedicated frequencies and channels, in addition to being able to operate on free use channels:

How to use specific frequencies

If you are an Italian private company or association and want to take advantage of the specific CB frequencies, you simply have to send a communication to the MISE, through the territorial inspectorate, which is usually based in the capital of the region in which you have your residence. Then, It will be necessary to pay an annual contribution that must be paid by January 31 to cover supervision and maintenance costs. The amount to be paid will be 30€ for up to 10 devices used, 100€ from 11 to 100 devices or 200€ when using more than 100 devices.

The real advantage that these frequencies offer, unlike those for free use, is that they are freer from communication traffic and therefore have less interference.

If you do one of these jobs, what are you waiting for? Discover our CB radios!